Candy Crush level 3355 Video Walkthrough
Having trouble with Candy Crush level 3355? Then read on to get some helpful video cheats. This video will show you how to get through level 3355 without having to purchase any extra candy or use any cheat codes. Just follow the steps carefully to find the best solution. And before you know it, you will be able to beat this level without consuming your precious time and energy. Besides, using video cheats will save your time, so you can play Candy Crush level 3355 without any hassle.
One of the main differences between level 3355 and other levels is the amount of orders and moves. Previously, you had twelve moves to collect all the orders and get all the licorice. This level has changed in many ways, so you must be able to collect more licorice without using boosts. However, the coconut wheel will give you a bonus of 3 striped candies. You can also use boosts to make your game easier.