Special candies in Candy Crush each have their own special effect and are created by special formations. The different special candies you can make in Candy Crush are the striped candies, wrapped candies and color bombs. This page is dedicated to striped candies–how they’re formed, how to best use them and when to use them!
What is a striped candy?
A striped candy looks like a regular candy with horizontal or vertical stripes. They will be the color of whatever 4 candies you matched together.
How do you create a striped candy?
You create a striped candy by matching four regular candies in a row.
What does a striped candy do?
A striped candy will clear an entire row of column depending on the direction of the stripes (horizontal or vertical). The direction of the stripes on the striped candies depends on the direction you swiped in order to create the special striped candy.
How is a striped candy useful?
- Especially in ingredient levels or in levels where there is an isolated jelly, a striped candy is great! When you are looking to hit a particular spot on the board, a striped candy is your best bet. They’re also the easiest special candy combination to form.
- A striped candy can be strategic too! In some cases, you might need a striped candy more than a wrapped candy. Thanks to the formation shapes of wrapped candies, you can sometimes choose whether or not to form a wrapped candy or a striped candy.
- Sometimes, a striped candy is going to help you more (especially if you want to clear a row of meringues/frosted blocks) . To help you visualize this Candy Crush combination, check out the images below!