These Candy Crush level 892 cheats and tips will help you beat level 892 of Candy Crush. The objective of Candy Crush level 892 is to get at least 45,000 points in 40 moves..
Level 892 Cheat #1: Create space to open the field
Candy Crush Level 892 is not that difficult level to complete, but the limitation of space is one of the factors that make it complex. To make it more complex is the availability 6 color candies that make it very hard to create special candies and also earning the required points to complete this game. Creating space is one of the main things that you must consider and concentrate if you must complete this level successfully. You start by breaking the chocolate at the bottom so to access the icing beneath it. Use of normal matching of the candies at the bottom will do a lot to clear the chocolate. The presence of chocolate spawners will create a challenge and thus you must ensure that you breaking in every move you make.
Level 892 Cheat #2: Use the UFO to clear the blockers
In Candy Crush Level 892, you will find the presence of two UFOs at the bottom inside the chocolate. This is a flying saucer, purple in color that is swapped with a candy above or below. In this level, it is locked by liquorice locks and thus you must release it first by clearing the icings above it. When activated, it removes a layer of jelly below it. It flies over the board and shoot three wrapped candies and this will clear a lot of obstacles. But before activating any of the UFO, you must ensure that you have a shortage of special candies which is common in In Candy Crush Level 892 you can combine the two UFOs. But to achieve the maximum benefits, you must ensure that you have a minimum of six wrapped candies on the board.
Level 892 Cheat #3: Destroy the cake bombs
The presence of the cake bomb in Candy Crush Level 892 brings a challenge that you must overcome to complete this level. Unlike other blockers, cake bomb occupies 4 square thus occupying a huge space. They are some of the reason why Candy Crush Level 892 is known for space limitation. The fact that they are two in number makes the game hard to complete. You must destroy them whenever you have a chance to do so. Matching candies adjacent to the cake will remove two of the cakes segments. Also, a striped candy will remove up to two segments from the cake where each is taken from the quadrants in its line of action. Wrapped candy works the best since it can remove up to four segments and you should consider using them.
Are you more of a visual learner? Watch this gameplay video for Candy Crush level 892 to help you beat the level. Notice the different strategies this player uses to improve your Candy Crush game.