These Candy Crush level 897 cheats and tips will help you beat level 897 of Candy Crush. The objective of Candy Crush level 897 is to With 50 moves or fewer, score 120,000 points or more bring down 6 cherries and 6 hazelnuts.
Level 897 Cheat #1: Move ingredients to the conveyor belt
With every ingredient that spawns in Candy Crush Level 897, you are supposed first move them to the conveyor belt. When you manage to move the ingredients in Candy Crush Level 897 into the conveyor belt, it will become easier for you to move it down and collect it. For Candy Crush Level 897, matching a vertical striped candy in the same column as an ingredient will be one of the ways to bring the ingredients down to the exits. Try and match candies near the bottom of the board in Candy Crush Level 897 as often as you can. This shifts large amounts of candies at one time and will start a chain reaction in Candy Crush Level 897. This will create new opportunities to make special candies, which will help you to complete Candy Crush level 897.
Level 897 Cheat #2: Make matches to help ingredients fall down faster
The ingredients in Candy Crush Level 897 need to be dropped down onto the conveyor. These ingredients will eventually fall into the exits in Candy Crush Level 897 on their own if you do not do anything to help them. However, if you do this in Candy Crush Level 897, you will only be able to collect 2 or 3 ingredients, and your moves will run out before you complete the level. I would suggest that you make matches in Candy Crush Level 897 for you to help the ingredient to fall down faster out of the exits. A stripe or a wrap combo in Candy Crush Level 897 on the left side of the conveyor will help you get two ingredients out of the exits in one move. This will be a very useful move in Candy Crush Level 897.
Level 897 Cheat #3: Concentrate on the entire playing field
Most people are very busy looking for matches in the bottom half of the playing in Candy Crush Level 897 while trying to move the ingredients. They tend to forget to look at the top of the board in Candy Crush Level 897. If you do so, you will miss chances to make colour bombs and combos in Candy Crush Level 897. I would suggest that when playing Candy Crush Level 897, stop and look before every move you make. Take advantage of any special candies that form at the bottom of the playing field in Candy Crush Level 897 since they will run off the board. In Candy Crush Level 897, it would be a waste to miss out on a chance to make a special candy just because you did not take your time.
Are you more of a visual learner? Watch this gameplay video for Candy Crush level 897 to help you beat the level. Notice the different strategies this player uses to improve your Candy Crush game.