These Candy Crush Soda Level 546 cheats and tips will help you beat Soda Level 546 of Candy Crush. The objective of Candy Crush Soda Level 546 is to get one bear above the candy string and get no less than 3,000 points in 25 moves.
Soda Level 546 Cheat #1: Use of the acid to open up the playing field
To beat Candy Crush Soda Level 546, you must get one bear above the candy string and score no less than 3,000 points in 25 moves. One thing that you should keep in mind is maximizing every move that you make because there are many multi-layered candy ice cubes on the board. To achieve this, you must expand the playing field by using the acid. All you have to do is release the acid, and it will clear a huge number of candy ice cubes in a single move. The acid should start from the bottom going upward as you pop the bottles as this is the direction of the candy. Proper use of the acid will help a lot in beating Candy Crush Soda Level 546 in fewer moves.
Soda Level 546 Cheat #2: Use wrapped candies to pop the bottles
As you continue to clear the candy ice cubes in Candy Crush Soda Level 546, you will realize that the most active special candy on the board is the wrapped candy. The candy ice cubes mostly trap these special candies. Once these blockers have been cleared, there will be several wrapped candies that can be used to pop the bottles; this helps to move the bear faster to the candy string. For every bottle that is popped, the acid level will rise, which will give you a chance to clear more candy ice cubes. Try your best to maximize on the wrapped candies since they can be used to pop several bottles in a single move. This will go a long way in raising the level of acid on the board which plays a huge role in passing Candy Crush Soda Level 546.
Soda Level 546 Cheat #3: Try a chain reaction
When the acid level in Candy Crush Soda Level 546 nears the top of the playing field, you should consider triggering a chain reaction. This is a move that is likely to see the bear saved in fewer moves. Since the direction of the candies is from the bottom to the top of the playing field, you should start matching candies closer to the top so that the chain reaction can begin from the bottom. With four colors on the playing field, it will be very easy to cause cascades or a chain reaction at this level. The result of this move will be the creation of more special candies that will have a great impact on the game when activated. If you can manage to form color bombs out of the chain reaction, then it will be easy to beat Candy Crush Soda Level 546.
Are you more of a visual learner? Watch this gameplay video for Candy Crush Soda Level 546 to help you beat the level. Notice the different strategies this player uses to improve your Candy Crush Saga game.